March 29, 2012

Ramblings of a ”Ugly” Situation

Time to rant.
I hate it when boys sit there and talk about how beautiful other girls are, and you sit there listening to them talk and talk wondering if they're ever going to compliment you. And they never do, which makes you feel ugly in comparison to these girls with big boobs, caked on makeup, and perfect hair.
The worst part, these boys are just your friends. Not your boyfriend who had seen you at your worst. It's sad that I still look towards others opinions on how I look.
What others don't know is that I have no self-esteem. I do see myself as ugly. Only when I do try my best to look pretty does it make me feel better but it's rare.
I want to be beautiful, correction: I want to feel beautiful. I want to have confidence and stance. Not just this awkward nobody just standing here listening to you ramble on about this girl and how badly you want to date her just based on looks.
So the next time you hear someone commenting on how ”hot/sexy” someone is, punch them in the face... Well maybe not.

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