March 4, 2012


Today was really uneventful. I woke up around 9:30ish from Josie trying to get really close to my face and lick me. I think that she was bored of waiting for me to get up; so I finally did. Then I decided to mull around the house and get ready for the day.

My parents decided that it would be really fun to head to Ikea to look around. We ended up spending quite a while in Ikea... I didn't spend any money, but my parents did. They're tying to buy everything for the cottage/shed that they haven't built yet. After all the shopping we went home and sat around some more.

I've have not been productive at all today. Partly due to the fact that I'm exhausted and can't seem to get enough sleep lately. At about 5:30ish I wanted to go take a nap but realized that it was too late to. Which is really stupid of me because it is 10:20 and I need to go to bed. But I like staying up late, I'm the only one in my family. They're all early risers... Whereas I am not. I like my sleep thank you very much.

I've been watching a lot of Youtube videos lately. Mostly Daily Grace and Olga Kay. They make me want to go out and film myself. Kinda strange... I don't like seeing myself on camera. Maybe I'll get Xander to help. :) He likes that kind of stuff.

Well, I think it's time for me to go. Bed is calling me and my dog is complaining. So good night to those who read this. Sleep well, and go to bed on time. ;)


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