May 24, 2012

Hello Again

I was told yesterday that I'm in trouble for not blogging lately.
Here I am fellow bloggers!

Life's been a little crazy for me the past few weeks.
Work and life, that's all it is though.

My step sister, Ashleigh, was married last Friday and has been gone on her honeymoon. It was a crazy day filled with running around and worrying that everything was going to go well. It was raining all day until right before the ceremony, so we did it outside. It was a beautiful day but the wind was SO cold. I shook the whole ceremony, and had the biggest goosebumps ever. It was a magical day. There was so many people there to show Ashleigh and Joey love. Also, lots of people kept commenting to me that I was a good dancer. That kinda happens when I'm the only one dancing... So yeah, that's what what happened that day.

Also, Xander and his family have been gone for over a week. On a Disney cruise. I'm so jealous. They've now been on three since I've known him. I had no clue when they'd be back. They ended up having to drive home from Canada. Silly people.

And at work, it's been crazy. We have millions of new people that don't have a clue what to do. They stand around and look lost. Jaycee, one of the other managers, broke her foot/ankle last week and will be out for months. And Emma, the general manager, is off in Chicago having fun. Matt was supposed to be off playing baseball. So there's three of us running the store. Lots of running around and trying not to stress out.

I've been really bad with my 365 project. It's just really hard to make time to do a craft everyday. Some days I'm at work all day. So I'm going to be doing it when I can.

That's about it.


1 comment:

Jessica said...

I wonder who it was that told you that you were in trouble... that wasn't very nice of them... :)