My little place to empty my thoughts into. These thoughts consists of many things from little to big and always depending on the day and my mood. Whether these thoughts take up no time or lots of time I will hopefully put them down in words and share them. I hope others will enjoy the ramblings of my crazy mind.
April 30, 2012
Day 5... In Progress
So I have a really weird collection. I'm not going to tell you yet. You'll have to wait and see!
April 29, 2012
New Medium
So I have switched my medium...
to Keys. :)
I restarted the days and kinda kicked my butt into gear.
Day 1 (Make something that fits in the size of your palm):
Day 2 (Incorporate your favorite animal):
Day 3 (Use only paper; no scissors or glue):
Day 4 is today. And it says: "Take a five minute walk, then make something using whatever materials are available where you've ended up. Leave it there for someone else to discover, but be sure to document it first!"
So I wasn't able to really get out of my house today. But I did wander around my backyard and took photos. I will post them down below for you to see. I'll go on a walk soon and make something then.
Maybe someone will want to join me in my escapade. Who knows?
April 27, 2012
Day Two: Completed :(
Day 2: What's your favorite animal? Use it as your inspiration today.
So I thought polar bears... but then Xander asked, "What about Josie?"
Idea!! Polar bear and Josie!!!!!
So I started think photography. But Josie cannot hold still. And my camera will not take photos fast enough.
Poop head.
And then they decided to start playing...
Then after I yelled at them, I finally got one good picture:
I'll probably do some editing later, but I have to go get ready for work now.
Day 1: Completed!
Is messy.
I used this special spray glue... And it got all over my hands, therefore glitter all over my hands.
The result didn't end up how I wanted it to look. Oh well, it's a learning process. Right?
Enjoy the photos!
And you can see, I brought photography into it. :)
April 26, 2012
My Lovely Books
From left to right:
-The Complete Fairy Tales and Stories by Hans Christian Andersen
-The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
-The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
-The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe
”If you're going to be passionate about something, be passionate about learning. If you're going to fight something, fight for those in need. If you're going to question something, question authority. If you're going to lose something, lose your inhibitions. If you're going to gain something, gain respect and confidence. If you're going to hate something, hate the false idea that you are not capable of your dreams.”
Yesterday Xander and I went to Barnes & Noble just to wander. And of course I wandered right into the craft section. I sat there and looked for an interesting book. I found a book titled, "A Daily Creativity Journal: 365, Make Something Every Day And Change Your Life!" by Noah Scalin. I flipped through the book at first looking at all of the different things. Thoughts kept popping into my head, like: "You really haven't done anything lately." and "It could and probably would be really fun." So I put it in the pile to be bought. Last night before bed, I read through the introduction.
In the introduction it teaches How To Use This Book... "ooooh & ahhhh" THERE ARE NO RULES! Woot!! Imma be a rule breaker!
If you go to you can see what others have been up to.
My next challenge for this book though is to find my medium. What will my inspiration be & what will I use? I was thinking about photography since I just recently bought a new camera and want to learn how to use it. This coming semester of school I will be taking a photography class and I thought that it could be a lot of fun to grow in that way. But what will my inspiration be: nature, people? I dunno. So, if you have any ideas CONTACT me. :)
This book also explains that I need to share my work. So I have decided to blog about it. Yes, that is why I am sharing this with you now. I'll try to post weekly to keep you updated on what I've been doing. I'm getting really excited and nervous/anxious about this whole thing. So if you keep up with me on here, encourage me. I'll need it.
The first project says: "The first step is the hardest, so start small today and make something that fits in the palm of your hand using only the materials in your immediate environment."
Okay, here I go. Bye!!
April 9, 2012
The next day was worse. I had no voice at all. My throat hurt which made my ears hurt. My mom believed that I had a fever. I was not able to go to work. It sucked. I tried many different kinds of medicine to see if any would work.
Friday I had the day off so I headed over to the doctor's. It wasn't my doctor because he was on vacation. But the doctor that I saw was really rude and didn't ask me any questions, he just wanted to get done. I found out that I had "a hint of strep." I have no clue what that's supposed to mean.
I was put on antibiotics. So now I'm not contagious but I still feel the same. My throat doesn't hurt anymore, but I'm coughing up a lung. I can't sleep due to the amount of coughing.
When will I start feeling like myself again?
April 4, 2012
Burnt Out
Jen and I had a heart to heart the other night while sitting in the hot tub. She thinks that college isn't for me. Or that I need a good long break to figure out what I really want in life. I need to do it for myself and not for the fact I'm trying to make my mom proud.
I have decided to take one class this coming summer semester. BUT this class is for me. I'm going to be taking a photography class because I just bought a new camera and would like to know what I'm doing or what I'm currently doing wrong. Also, all during high school most of my classes were art classes. I do better when I am creative.
I just hope that when I talk to my mom about this that she doesn't get disappointed in me. I just need to do what's right for me. I've been told that I could be a good estition. I've looked into it but I'm not quite sure.
I dunno though. We'll see how this semester turns out.
April 2, 2012
What I've Been Up To

Here's a quick list of what I've been up to lately.
-Trying to get myself to school
-Bought a new camera
-Went to my sister's bridal shower
-Saw The Hunger Games twice
-Made cupcakes
-Discovered my love for posies
-Watched the last episode of Sherlock Holmes on BBC
Yeah, it's kinda been a strange week for me.