There is this very attractive person in my life now. I've known them for many years and have the pleasure of knowing this person. I am really close to this person and have extreme feelings and I want to tell the world, but I don't think the world is ready yet.
My little place to empty my thoughts into. These thoughts consists of many things from little to big and always depending on the day and my mood. Whether these thoughts take up no time or lots of time I will hopefully put them down in words and share them. I hope others will enjoy the ramblings of my crazy mind.
December 3, 2012
November 26, 2012
Work compliments
So I was working window for about 30 minutes today at work, and I was getting the cars through. A car came through and had two guys in it. The driver didn't say anything as I read the order and received the change. When all their food and drinks were handed out, he looked at me and said, "I like your earring." I was so shocked. I thanked him and turned around. It's strange how much a stranger can notice.
November 25, 2012
This is how I show my love
I made it in my mind because
I blame it on my A.D.D. baby
This is how an angel dies
I blame it on my own sick pride
Blame it on my A.D.D. baby
Maybe I should cry for help
Maybe I should kill myself (myself)
Blame it on my A.D.D. baby
Maybe I'm a different breed
Maybe I'm not listening
So blame it on my A.D.D. baby
La la la la la la
La la la la la la oh!
La la la la la, La la la la oh!
Sail with me into the dark
Sail with me into the dark
Sail with me into the dark
Sail with me, sail with me
I feel like being creative. I want to buy a video camera and begin making videos. Maybe Alyce will help me. :D
I kinda want to be a vlogger. I wonder how that would end up?
I cannot wait to get my new camera! :D
I found my new favorite song... And I have it below for you to check out. :D
Sail by Awolnation
August 30, 2012
July 31, 2012
July 15, 2012
Life is good, and then at times it's not
Today was rolling hills of good and bad times. Started out with me waking up early and setting out with my father to fix my car. Figured out what was wrong. My dad was amazing and bought the new part for me and installed it. Ran to Target to buy my friends a gift for her bridal shower and ended up buying a whole outfit so I didn't have to go home. Had a fun time at the bridal shower. Went home and relaxed with my family. My sister and her husband came over and had dinner and dessert. Then when we're settling down, my parents get all fired up and mad at each other. But other than those little bumps, today was pretty great. I've been happy most of the week, which is very uncommon for me. Maybe there is something in the water...
July 7, 2012
Pound of Bricks
I really need to rant.
The past few weeks have been a roller coaster that I don't want to be on.
It started with me breaking up with Xander, who I've been dating for almost 2 years now. Then, I started flirting with others and my friends were trying to set me up with some guys. I ended up going on a date but I'm 7 years younger than the guy.
And now, I'm getting hit with a pound of bricks because I miss Xander. I miss being in a relationship. Especially with a guy who appreciates me.
What I miss the most, sadly to say, is the kissing. The comfort in it. The thought of someone wanting you.
And now its gone. And I'm stuck not knowing what to do.
June 29, 2012
Something about me...
So I forgot to post yesterday, so here is two.
1. After watching Signs when I was younger I became terrified of the color red. It symbolized something about to happen. Finally after years, its now one of my favorite colors.
2. Through middle school and high school, I took 5 years of theatre. I also took an acting class at Hale Centre Theatre. But the thing is, I never thought I was any good. I improved but it wasn't enough to be in any plays (except spring showcase) or any musicals (I don't sing).
June 27, 2012
Things about myself...
So I'm going to try to blog more. And I realized I'm wierd and unique so I should say random things about myself. Maybe 1 a day. I'll start with 5.
1. I HATE it when other people use my pillow. I can smell them and it drives me crazy. I dunno why, but I've always been like that.
2. I don't know how to swim. I had lesson when I was younger but my teacher threw me into the deep end and kinda forgot about me. And my cousin drowned, but luckily my aunt was able to bring her back to life by cpr. And yes, I've tried learning since.
3. I have 2 half sisters, 1 half brother, 2 step sisters, 1 dad, and 3 moms. I'm pretty lucky.
4. I don't have dreams. And if I do, they're nightmares. Reoccurring ones. They happen once or twice a year. And I hate them.
5. I've never broken a bone. I've had stitches twice, one for a surgery on my toe (tumor) and one for when my wisdom teeth were removed.
Okay, there you go! Enjoy.
June 13, 2012
Gandhi's Top 10 Fundamentals For Changing The World
1. Change yourself
2. You are in control
3. Forgive and let go
4. Take care of this moment
5. Without action you aren't going anywhere
6. Everyone is human
7. See the good in people and help them
8. Persist
9. Be congruent, be authentic, be your true self
10. Continue to grow and evolve
June 11, 2012
But I also have been doing my research on the internet. And these are some that have caught my eye.


Well, that's all folks!
Big Step for Me
I'm finally doing it. I'm getting medication for my anxiety. And its stressing me out. Not a good mix. Oh well.
June 7, 2012
So I still need to name my camera. I haven't decided whether it's a boy or a girl. If you have any suggestions, contact me. It would be much appreciated. :)
June 5, 2012
"Math in Photography!"
I have never had a 3 hour class before. But I do now.
It is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.
I had to get up at 6:40 a.m. this morning to get ready and beat the normal school rush the first week of school; just to find out that there isn't such one in the summer. Oh well, I got some things done.
Well, my teacher is Ryan Cummings. He's kinda crazy, but in a good way. If you want to check out his website it is:
So today we read the syllabus... wooh, that's a ton of fun... NOT!
I hate reading those things, and so do all the teachers.
Next, we discussed what aperture, ISO, and shutter are.
And these three things include MATH.
Yes, I said it. Math in photography!
Oh well, it's not that bad.
The class was so long that our teacher gave us a 10 minute break part way through class.
Through email we were told to bring our cameras; I was so excited.
DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflector)
Nikon D50
With 2 lenses
A Big Case
An additional battery
And extra manuals
All for $250!!!!
But during class, we never got to pull them out and flaunt them. I was kinda disappointed. Oh well, maybe on Thursday.
I have lots of homework already. I need to read chapters 1 and 3 and my owner's manual. Plus I have to work all day tomorrow...
This is gonna be fun.
May 24, 2012
La Musica
So I'm at work on break. And I swear that they're playing Jenny's ipod, cuz all I hear is zumba music. It is making me wanna dance.
Yep, that's about it.
Hello Again
Here I am fellow bloggers!
Life's been a little crazy for me the past few weeks.
Work and life, that's all it is though.
My step sister, Ashleigh, was married last Friday and has been gone on her honeymoon. It was a crazy day filled with running around and worrying that everything was going to go well. It was raining all day until right before the ceremony, so we did it outside. It was a beautiful day but the wind was SO cold. I shook the whole ceremony, and had the biggest goosebumps ever. It was a magical day. There was so many people there to show Ashleigh and Joey love. Also, lots of people kept commenting to me that I was a good dancer. That kinda happens when I'm the only one dancing... So yeah, that's what what happened that day.
Also, Xander and his family have been gone for over a week. On a Disney cruise. I'm so jealous. They've now been on three since I've known him. I had no clue when they'd be back. They ended up having to drive home from Canada. Silly people.
And at work, it's been crazy. We have millions of new people that don't have a clue what to do. They stand around and look lost. Jaycee, one of the other managers, broke her foot/ankle last week and will be out for months. And Emma, the general manager, is off in Chicago having fun. Matt was supposed to be off playing baseball. So there's three of us running the store. Lots of running around and trying not to stress out.
I've been really bad with my 365 project. It's just really hard to make time to do a craft everyday. Some days I'm at work all day. So I'm going to be doing it when I can.
That's about it.
May 2, 2012
Day 4....
I was waiting for a good day to do this. I accomplished this today with the help of Xander.
Day 4: "Take a five minute walk, then make something using whatever materials are available where you've ended up. Leave it there for someone else to discover, but be sure to document it first!"
So we picked up interesting things during the five minutes, and here is what we ended up with (btw, it's a key):
And of course, here is a photo of us:
May 1, 2012
Happy Mail
Heyo. I don't get much mail... so I'm creating a proposition with you.
Yes, you.
If you send me "happy" mail, I'll send you "happy" mail.
Then we can become "happy" mail buddies!!
So, if you want to take on my deal here's my address:
10738 South 3210 West
South Jordan, Utah 84095
Yeah, yeah you. None of that.
April 30, 2012
Day 5... In Progress
So I have a really weird collection. I'm not going to tell you yet. You'll have to wait and see!
April 29, 2012
New Medium
So I have switched my medium...
to Keys. :)
I restarted the days and kinda kicked my butt into gear.
Day 1 (Make something that fits in the size of your palm):
Day 2 (Incorporate your favorite animal):
Day 3 (Use only paper; no scissors or glue):
Day 4 is today. And it says: "Take a five minute walk, then make something using whatever materials are available where you've ended up. Leave it there for someone else to discover, but be sure to document it first!"
So I wasn't able to really get out of my house today. But I did wander around my backyard and took photos. I will post them down below for you to see. I'll go on a walk soon and make something then.
Maybe someone will want to join me in my escapade. Who knows?
April 27, 2012
Day Two: Completed :(
Day 2: What's your favorite animal? Use it as your inspiration today.
So I thought polar bears... but then Xander asked, "What about Josie?"
Idea!! Polar bear and Josie!!!!!
So I started think photography. But Josie cannot hold still. And my camera will not take photos fast enough.
Poop head.
And then they decided to start playing...
Then after I yelled at them, I finally got one good picture:
I'll probably do some editing later, but I have to go get ready for work now.
Day 1: Completed!
Is messy.
I used this special spray glue... And it got all over my hands, therefore glitter all over my hands.
The result didn't end up how I wanted it to look. Oh well, it's a learning process. Right?
Enjoy the photos!
And you can see, I brought photography into it. :)